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Hey guys! Could anyone help me? I'm still new to manychat and there are some errors that are a mystery to me.The dynamic block is returning an error for any endpoint that I make the request. I created a webhook with just the default return for the dynamic block, and even so I keep getting an error. What could be happening?Webhook address: thank the help of all. Thank you very much!


There’s something wrong with the content you’re sending back, that Manychat is not recognizing. Or you’re testing this in a channel that’s not supported.

Start simpler, with only a text message, and then go from there. Something like this (it should work, but I haven’t tested it live):

"version": "v2",
"content": {
"messages": e
"type": "text",
"text": "simple text"

Hello Gustavo! Many thanks for the reply!

I made the suggested change, and the error still persists. This automation is to be used on Instagram, and the fallback is being executed on all calls.

The dynamic block request reaches my endpoint, and the endpoint returns the json in the format you suggested, but I still get an internal error.

Do you have any other suggestions for me? Thank you very much for the help!



If it’s Instagram, then you’re looking at the wrong docs.

This is the one you need:

Try something like this:

"version": "v2",
"content": {
"type": "instagram",
"messages": s
"type": "text",
"text": "simple text"



The problem was exactly this!

Thank you very much for your help, Gustavo!

I will explore more of the documentation you gave me!

Once again, thank you very much for your help!
