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New member, just set up and saved my first automation. All set-up correctly.

Tested it using my other Insta acct and no message sent.

Anyone know what might be going on?

@GusHoyt Would love to see your flow screenshot so that I can assist you better.

Here you go. It’s just a basic ‘reply to comment’. 

It still hasn't sent the reply.


Here you go. It’s just a basic ‘reply to comment’. 

It still hasn't sent the reply.


I meant the screenshot after opening the flow

The problem is, there is no flow. I commented and nothing happened...

Do you mean this one?


Do you mean this one?


A screenshot of your trigger confg. whould also help.


So far, you could try to insert an action node between the triggers and the first messagem with the IG Opt-In:


Do you mean this one?


The problem is, there is no flow. I commented and nothing happened...

It’s because you haven’t turned on the trigger, just tap on the first box in the flow and turn it on. or cross check the trigger word again + if you comment the same word in the same reel, it won’t trigger the automation, so after making all the changes, please make sure to test it on the diff reel or post. @GusHoyt 

Thanks all it started working.

Not sure why the delay, but working OK now. :)

