Hi fellows,
I have found that the Next Step after AI Step never gets fired. I have read the documentation about it but it doesnt explain about the next step after AI Step. In my case, People are engaging and chatting with AI perfectly fine but at the end of each message from AI, the person should get a link or button to continue to next step or start another automation. I have tried asking the AI Step in GOAL and in CONTEXT to continue to next step but it does not. I have even tried asking the AI Step to do this by adding a separate task and it did not work. Check attached screenshots. Is there any workaround to this? Note that I have also tried asking AI Step to send a button to the reader; on clicking this button, the reader should get redirected to my Automation but the AI Step generated a button that redirected to a phone number 000000000 and tried to start a new chat. Which also does not help.