Hello Everyone! Hope you're doing great!
I've been testing Manychat and been enjoying it so far!
However since I'm a programmer, I find myself wanting to do some stuff through code instead of using the UI…
Is there a way to create a flow block throw the API? I cannot see any corresponding endpoint on the swagger documentation... But I also read elsewhere that the documents might not be the most up to date ones…
Any help is much appreciated!
Thanks a lot!
Hey @Erikson Silva the Swagger documentation is pretty much up to date actually!
The support knowledge base documentation is a bit outdated (mostly because the UI has changed so quickly that it’s difficult to keep up!)
And no, there isn’t a way to create a flow through the API.
Hope this helps!
Upon further search, I’ve found someone who did this with Java and used this endpoint:
Here’s the link, and the information can be found on “Creating and Managing Flows”. However, I’m receiving 404, so I’m assuming that this endpoint changed or was made unavailable?
@Erikson Silva this is the first I hear of it… (and I’ve been doing this for a while hehe)
Try customer support at https://help.manychat.com to see if they have anything.
Thanks for answering @Gustavo Boregio ! (Sou brasileiro também! hehe).
The weird part is that, it seems this is the ONLY resource on the internet that talks about this specific endpoint...
I’m wondering if it really existed some day or if the person came up with that? IDK…
Anyways, I’ve tried the help center before but no lucky… I’m wondering if raising a ticket would be a good idea?
@Erikson Silva you can try, but my bet is that they'll tell you it's unavailable or it never existed.
I've been using the API since it was launched and the swagger has always been the one source of truth. I never saw any /flow endpoints.
PS: Blz, qualquer coisa da um toque! :)
Since the ONLY site that mentions this endpoint is a third party, I’m assuming that they might have an internal way of integrating that (which tends to be unlikely, because they mention the manychat api, not some other URL), or that their blog articles are somehow written by AI (which would explain why both ChatGPT and their site are the only sources one can find about this).
Well, I’ll keep my research here and I’ll surely find a way to do what I’m intending to.
Thanks a lot, Gustavo! You have a nice day!
What are you intending to do @Erikson Silva ?
I'm trying to create a flow based on an user's description…
Like, the user describes N steps and then for each step, I'd create a flow with each step into a Node…
Makes sense?
I'm trying to create a flow based on an user's description…
Like, the user describes N steps and then for each step, I'd create a flow with each step into a Node…
Makes sense?
That's quite interesting! But it sounds like an unnecessary layer of complexity…
Manychat tries to be as user friendly as possible. Anyone can learn how to create basic flows with ease (in my opinion).
Not to mention the shady and mysterious API endpoint you found. Developing anything on something non-official is a huge risk. 
Resumindo em bom português com um ditado: "Macaco velho não pula em galho seco” 
Se você estiver com vontade de desenvolver algo relacionado à Manychat, recomendo criar algo que possa resolver alguma dor de clientes para publicar na appstore: https://apps.manychat.com/
I do not fully disagree with you @fgaulke ! Any user can learn how to create those, but many (most) don't want to walk the extra mile... Hence the reason why I'd like to do it like that: An user describes in a few steps how they'd like their businesses flow to look like, their flow is built and then sent to them so they can "demo" it in (almost) real time!
The app store sounds like something interesting, but I'd still need access to such endpoints anyways? haha
P.s.: Eu ainda sou macaco novo no manychat e talvez por isso eu esteja querendo reinventar a roda! haha
@Erikson Silva check the Manychat AI flow builder thing…
It does just that with AI’s help.
And yeah, it’s a cool project, but a difficult project to get right (even Manychat’s AI builder makes mistakes...)
I saw the AI flow builder, and it sounds like a good thing! But at least right now, the extra 30$ aren't justifiable for me.
But I'll take a good look on everything else.
Thanks a lot!