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Hi everyone,

I am currently trying to set up our first automation and on some point I can’t save it. This is, what our automation looks like:

We want our users to comment on a post. Then they should receive a DM where they enter their eMail address. After that, we want to send them an eMail. When I try to save this, there is an error message:

I tried to mark the message as Comment reply, but when I do so, another message block pops up. I thought: Okay, I have to confirm to the user, that he is getting an eMail now in this message, but this second message block can’t be connected to any other following block, so the automation ends there. What am I missing? Can anyone help me with this, please? Thank you so much in advance!

Best regards,


Hi @Romanschule!


This happens when you set an User Comments on Your Post or Reel trigger. The first message MUST be set as "Comment Reply”:


PS: for this element you can only set one message and a Button or Quick Reply. And the flow continues after the contact click the button.


Beste Grüße! 😉

@fgaulke  Thank you so much for your help!


Somehow, it still doesn’t work, because in the new window, there is no possibility to use user input to collect the email address. According to this article, there should be different button options, but there aren’t:,field%20and%20the%20input%20itself.


Therefore I can’t connect the second message to the condition which leads to the eMail. Do you have any suggestions, please?

Hallo, @Romanschule!


Only the first message block must be set as “Comment Reply”. The next you can set as “in the 24h window” and it will be possible to use the User Input option. 😉

It will look something like this:

  1. Your Trigger
  2. Action with IG Opt-In (good practice)
  3. First Message set as Comment Reply
  4. Next message(s) set as "within 24h window”

Beste Grüße!

Thank you so much, now I was able to connect the steps!

I tested the automation, but somehow the first message isn’t shown correctly. The text is cut off and there is a button I didn’t set up. Moreover, nothing happens, when I click on it. What did I miss?


Thank you so much, now I was able to connect the steps!

I tested the automation, but somehow the first message isn’t shown correctly. The text is cut off and there is a button I didn’t set up. Moreover, nothing happens, when I click on it. What did I miss?


That's a Meta issue… it also happens with many of my automations.

I tend to use "Quick Replies” as this first interaction. The only big difference between buttons and quick replies are links to some site/page, only buttons have that option.

Yes, I tried Quick reply instead of a button first. But when I use this, the contact has to use exactly this words to continue the automation. If he makes a mistake, he’s stuck. I guess, there’s no other solution as to tell him in the first message exactly, what he has to type in, right?

Yes, I tried Quick reply instead of a button first. But when I use this, the contact has to use exactly this words to continue the automation. If he makes a mistake, he’s stuck. I guess, there’s no other solution as to tell him in the first message exactly, what he has to type in, right?


When you use Quick Replies, the created options appear as “floating buttons” that your contact can click:


Sure.. if you prefer using a button (wich indeed is more comprehensive to the user), just ser only around two lines of text on this first text block.

In this case you have to adjust the copywriting a little bit, but that will also work well.


