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Manychat Automation Restarts When Trigger Word Is Repeated

  • 26 July 2024
  • 9 replies

I’m having an issue where my automation is restarted when someone repeats my trigger words. So for example, if the word is ready and someone DM’s me that, and the first message they get is “Here’s the info you’ve requested….” and then later in the convo they say, “thanks for the information, I’m ready to get started” the automation starts all over again and says “Here’s the info you’ve requested...” 


How can I stop this?! 

9 replies

It will keep triggering due to the keyword. So implement a Tag to it. Those that have already triggered this keyword once, add a Tag. Then use Conditions to check whether this user has the tag, if yes, then no need to send any message or do any other action that you want

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Something like this:


Is that your flow? If yes, then the condition seems incorrect to me. Why is the Tag different from the condition? 

Tag is Got Content
Condition also should be Got Content, but instead it is got_content. They are 2 different context.

In addition to that, you can also do something like this



Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Is that your flow? If yes, then the condition seems incorrect to me. Why is the Tag different from the condition? 

Tag is Got Content
Condition also should be Got Content, but instead it is got_content. They are 2 different context.


@Samantha Wong oh interesting, the flow preview changes the name of the tag…

Here's what it looks like for me in the flow builder:

If you save the flow to your Manychat account the tag names will be correct though, I just tested it.

But yeah, it has to be the same tag for it to work correctly. :)

So, does it work now for you? I mean when you test to mention the same keyword again, the flow shouldn’t resend

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

So, does it work now for you? I mean when you test to mention the same keyword again, the flow shouldn’t resend

@Samantha Wong yeap the setup works ;)

Can someone please break down exactly what I’m supposed to do? None of what has been said makes sense to me.

Can someone please break down exactly what I’m supposed to do? None of what has been said makes sense to me.

Nevermind I’ve figured it all out 
