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manychat comment reply not showing on insta

  • 1 July 2024
  • 6 replies

My manychat automation is up and running but only part of the message shows on Instagram with … at the end. There are only the first 4 words showing. Screenshot to illustrate. You cannot click on the message to show more - this is all the receiver is seeing! How do I fix this????


I am having the exact same error. I have a simple automation with a comment keyword trigger to a send message. My message gets cut off. 


I am having the same exact issue and would also like to know how to fix it. -Lilias 


There's a current bug with Meta.

You can check the details at

Ok. If it’s a bug we wait for it to be fixed. I’ve just set it that the first sentence is enough to keep going! 

There was someone on another post who also said change it to two messages one with that’s just text and a second message that includes the link. I just did that for some of my automations and it worked. It shows the whole message not just the first line and the…

Im having the same error since Thursday...
