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Manychat DM Issue: It's not sending the Full Message

  • 30 June 2024
  • 6 replies


Manychat triggering the DM, after a comment on post but it’s not sending the full message. Does anybody facing the same issue? Attaching the screenshots for reference. From last 2 days I’m facing this issue. Last one month it worked well like second image(it usually send full message), but from past 2 days facing the issue like in First image message error(Sending only first line of message).



I have had the same issue for 3 days now.  I hear a lot of people are having issue but I thought they would have addressed it by now


저도 그래요

Same, I have the same issue. I tried a workaround by splitting the message into two parts:

  • first part with the text → simple message
  • second part with the button → message (with a simple emoji) and buttons 

Hope it helps 😊


I’ve been having the same issue for 3 days as well!  Hopefully it gets fixed soon.




Hi everyone! This is a known issue by Meta, you can follow the status here:
