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Hello, I'm new to Manychat. I was wondering if this is a bug or am I doing something wrong?

I created an automation for my business with a wide variety of products.
Here's a sample of my setup:
Comment "1" > public comment response > receive the link to checkout product A via DM
Comment "2" > public comment response > receive the link to checkout product B via DM
and so on...

I tried testing it and the first time, I received the correct DM, but the 2nd and 3rd times, the only correct response that I am receiving is public comment response but the reply via DM is just the same as the first one that I received.

When I tried testing it using a different Instagram account, I received the correct DM.  Is the "Opted-In through Widget" condition only valid for the 1st comment you posted? And those succeeding comments, you’ll receive the same DM response that you receive the 1st time that you engage with the post?

can you share your flow?

Hi Matt,


Here's our flow:
>Trigger > Condition(Opted in-through widget) > If the user matches the condition, a link will be sent out to them]
-Comment "bag" > public comment response for 'bag' > user receives the link to check out 'bag' via DM
-Comment "ring" > public comment response for 'ring' > user receives the link to check out 'ring' via DM
-Comment "socks" > public comment response for 'socks' > user receives the link to check out 'socks' via DM

We tried testing it and we received the correct DM on the 1st engagement only; for succeeding comments that we did, the only correct response that we're receiving is the public comment response, but the reply via DM is just the same as the first one that I received.
1st attempt: commented 'bag' on a post > received public comment response for 'bag' > received the link for 'bag' via DM
2nd attempt: commented 'ring' on a post > received public comment response for 'ring' > received the link for 'bag' via DM (same DM as the one I received the 1st time)
3rd attempt:  commented 'socks' on a post > received public comment response for 'socks' > received the link for 'bag' via DM (still the same DM as the one I received the 1st time)


Thank you.
