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I have been testing and testing and TESTING my first flow that collects emails through Instagram DM’s. In the flow I set up a tag in the action when they give me their email. The tag assigns them to the insta campaign I used to get them to join me in the DM’s. Anyway, the emails are transferring over into MailChimp just fine, however, the tag does not come with them.

Can you suggest any ideas how to fix this? I need these ManyChat emails addresses to be properly tagged in the future so I can send them the correct automated email over in MailChimp.


Thanks for your help!!

I haven’t used the integration in a while, but as far as I know it won’t sync tags.

I’ve solved situations like this in one of 2 ways:

  • Adding emails to specific lists - and then triggering automations on the lists in the email software. For example, if they’re added to the ‘Manychat’ list, the automation triggers that they get added to the main list and tagged with ‘Manychat’
  • Use Zapier/Make to connect Manychat + Email software to be able to do more actions - like adding tags.

Hope this helps

Thanks for your reply. I was hoping to have to pay for yet another service, but I think it’s looking inevitable. I appreciate your ideas!

Here is what I heard when I opened an official ticket with ManyChat:

The integration allows you to add contacts to a specific MailChimp list that you choose in MailChimp action in the Manychat automation flow.

That is, you can segment your contacts by adding them to different MailChimp lists.


Unfortunately, as for now, sending tags is not available in the integration.

Hopefully, we will develop it in the future, but right now, there isn't any way to do that.”

Wish they could have had this information available b4 I spent 12 hours testing why it wasn’t working (!)

@Brimfield Awakening not sure what your volume is, but offers 1000 free operations per month. In most cases, this is more than enough to get started without having to pay for another service. If you need more operations, the next tier is like $10/ month for 10k operations.

If you need help setting this up lmk, it’s one of the services I offer to clients ;)

Thanks, Gustavo! I looked into it and am playing around with it. I am also leaning towards the app ManyChat Plus because I like the idea of just the flat rate for the year and it solving the main tag problem that I have. It also seems a lot easier to use. Thanks again!
