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Messenger on iphone / ipad - Card Gallery sizing issue

  • 29 May 2024
  • 1 reply

Hey hello! Does anybody experienced issues with displaying images in card gallery on ios devices in messenger? Tried different aspect ratios 1:1 1.91:1 - when i receive it in messenger app on iphone/ipad it is always streched / zoomed so image content doesn’t fit.

For example:

Original image:


Desktop messenger works great:

Instagram app - works great too.


But on ios messenger app is like:

Any ideas? Is it only on ios messenger?

Fo testing purpose you can run it here

It looks like I found a way to manage it. I create file in size 476x909px and place the content itself inside a square of size 476x476. Now it looks ok on Instagram and Messenger (web and mobile app)
