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i need to create an http request to bring some info, but it says : just https allowed. 

my problem is the api that im trying to call is not under a https server… and it woult take some time for this people to change it to https…

is there anyway to achieve this goal making http requests from my flow ?

You can try using or Zapier.

You won’t be able to do non-https requests in Manychat. It’s not safe to use HTTP with sensitive information.

gracias gustavo.. lo solucionamos configurando el servidor para https. 
tengo otra pregunta… como le doy formato de moneda a unas variables que estan llegando en el JSON?? me toca traerlas ya formateadas? o hay alguna manera de darles formato en manychat??


the situation with the htpps got fixed configurating the server. now i have a different question, is it possible to give format to a varibles coming from the JSON?? i mean.. i got a varibale coming plane number… 4344543.. and i need to have it 4.344.543… how can i get that?

Sí, toca traerla formateada o usar algo externo (otro webhook) para formatearlo y guardar el valor en un campo de texto.


Yes, you either bring it formatted or use another external request to format it and store it in a text field.
