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New OpenAI ThreadID format causing some issues

  • 27 May 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi Guys!

I’m creating a chatbot automation using Manychat - Make - ChatGPT and recently I realized that the ThreadID requested by my Manychat automation is coming in a different format then it came before. This is causing a huge problem for me because when I send this new formatted ThreadID alongside with a user question to ChatGPT, using the OpenAi itself doesn’t recognize it as

 a valid ThreadID.

I’ll share with you some screenshots os my Manychat request and would like you to check if I’m doing something wrong.
Thanks everyone in advance!



Not sure what your issue is, but yeah, you definitely have something wrong.

If you need help looking into it, happy to jump on a troubleshooting call. You can book them here: (towards the bottom)

