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Hi everyone! New here, but I’ve been working on building out my first lead qual flow, which basically takes responses from my FB Ads, and asks them a series of questions to qualify them.


I’ve attached my screenshot here of my current flow, but I’m not sure how to set up the ability to collect all their answers and save it to their record in ManyChat so I can integrate with my CRM. I have a series of questions and at the end I ask for their name, email and phone number. What would I put in the flow to save all their answers once they’re done with it?


Hey @JohnnyGlass

The information you’re collecting is being stored in custom fields.

The easiest way to export this information is by sending it to Google Sheets. This video may help you accomplish that:

To integrate it to your CRM, you can use tools like Zapier or Make to connect to Manychat and push the data. The exact setup will depend on which CRM you’re using.

If you need help setting this up feel free to DM me, I’ve done integrations like this for dozens of clients.
