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Hi, I’ve spent the past few hours looking through all the support docs. Nothing is showing where I can find the Json code to drop into FB.  I have an active automation and cannot, for the life of me, figure out where to find the code I need to drop into my ad.  

Please spell it out for me like I’m -9. 


Hey, ​@CarlOrf!


Do you wish to trigger an automation from your ad?

If yes… Check this out:


Hope it helps!


@Fabio Gaulke 

That’s not what I’m asking. I had this article pulled up when I wrote this post. 

I am looking for where to find the code. The Json code that should be produced and is mentioned when starting this automation.  It then vanishes and I’m unable to find where it is located. 


Hey, just checking as it seems this should be super simple. Any actually helpful info? 
