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Preventing Progression After Multiple Invalid Responses in Survey Automation

  • 2 July 2024
  • 4 replies

Issue and Request for Assistance


When users enter an invalid response four times, the automation incorrectly moves to the next question.

I need help setting up the automation so that after the fifth or sixth invalid response, it tells the user to try again later or restart the survey, instead of moving forward.


Flow Summary

Triggered by a Facebook ad, the automation asks customers to answer three questions to earn an exclusive discount.


  1. Welcome Message:
    • Introduces the survey and prompts users to start.
  2. Survey Questions:
    • Question 1: Prompts with quick replies.
      • No Response Handling:
      • Reminders sent at 2-hour intervals, up to four reminders.
      • Fourth reminder ends the session and reroutes to the beginning.
    • Question 2 & 3: Follow the same structure.
  3. Invalid Response Handling:
    • Users have 3 attempts to enter a valid response (choosing from quick reply options, doesn't allow custom text input.
    • On the 4th invalid attempt, it currently moves to the next question.

Desired Solution:

  • After the fifth or sixth invalid response, show a message like “Sorry, please try again later” or “Please start from the beginning” and stop further progression.

Anyone know a solution to this? I can provide screen shots if necessary. 

Hey @TABMan you need to do that with logic, counters, conditions and so on.

It's not difficult, it just gets complex with all the logic.

Each time the person answers, you increment a counter and check with conditions if you reached the max and if the answer is correct. If the answer is correct, then on to the next. If it's not, then you check the counter to see if they can try again or if they get the 'Try again' message.

Hey @Gustavo Boregio , thanks a-lot. Got it all set up. 

You’re right, not dioffuclt, but very extensive and complex lol, especially if you have multiple questions with multiple choices to check for conditions. 😭

Thanks for the help!

OK, maybe I don’t have int set up right. @Gustavo Boregio  😔

Every time I test it and click Yes, no, tried a friends, or heard of it (quick replies) it basically tells me that is still not a valid entry and routes me to the try again message, what am I missing?


Check that you're using OR and not AND.

And the wrong answer logic is wrong, is there's a wrong answer it will fail in the first time, regardless of the number of tries.

If you need help troubleshooting this you can book a troubleshooting call here: (these are paid, but we should be able to sort this out pretty fast).
