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PROBLEMS WITH AI step module?

  • 21 June 2024
  • 4 replies

I am using an AI step module and only the modules with AI stopped working, what can I do?

Once the flow is inside the AI step, there isn't much we can do. The only alternative is monitoring the Live Chat and jumping in manually to 'save' the conversation whenever necessary.


To avoid future problems, the best thing you can do is to tweak your instructions so that it becomes less likely to be stuck.

Once the flow is inside the AI step, there isn't much we can do. The only alternative is monitoring the Live Chat and jumping in manually to 'save' the conversation whenever necessary.


To avoid future problems, the best thing you can do is to tweak your instructions so that it becomes less likely to be stuck.

Hola Gustavo, gracias por tu respuesta, sin embargo con respecto a la pregunta del IA step, es que ni siquiera el usuario se le activa la IA, todos los flujos funcionan bien cuando le toca interactuar a la IA simplemente no se ejecuta, tienes alguna idea de que pueda hacer?

Hola @Daniela Uzcategui te sugiero que entres en contacto con soporte. Si no funciona para nada, hay algo raro o algo dejó de funcionar.

No te olvides que esa función aún está en Beta y le siguen haciendo ajustes.

I have the same problem. This happens when there is a lot of traffic in the automation. I don't know how I can solve it, I implemented steps before entering the AI ​​automation to prevent it from being activated immediately... but it still doesn't seem to be a solution to scale a project.
