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Hi All,


I have a 200 promo codes in Excel. How can I automated sending my users that unique codes for unique users?


For example i have a quizz, and first 200 users, who won that quizz I must send a promo codes, and in my Excel automatted mentioned that codes are expired.


Thnaks for advice.

Hi, @Artak!


It's totally possible with the Sheets integration. BUT… remember that it is only possible to send 250 requests to one Google Sheets Account in 100 seconds.

It will look something like this:


You will need:

  • A Custom User Field (text type)
  • A Custom Bot Field (number type - and set as 1)
  • Google Sheets integration with Manychat
  • A Sheets table like this:
    • ID = Numeric ID that will be used as variable to get the codes.
    • CODE = your Promo Codes
    • TIMESTAMP = Date/Hour that the code was sent.
    • IG_USER = The contact's IG@



For the automation:

  1. your Trigger
  2. A Condition that checks if your BOT FIELD is greater than 200 (your coupon number)
  3. Default messages for each condition
  4. Action node with:
    1. Google Sheets: Get Row By Value
      This will lookup the actual Bot number ID and retrieve the correspondent CODE from your table.
      I created the following test fields:
      -  BOT Field = BOT_COUNT
      - USER Field = TEST_FIELD_1


    2. Google Sheets: Update Row
      Here you set a timestamp and get the IG username to your table:



  1. Your message with the code (using your User Field Variable)
  2. An Action node that increases your Bot Field by 1


That should work.

PS: if you what to limit 1 Code for each user, you can also set a Tag to them and include a condition for it. 😉

Hope it helps!
