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Quiz isnt giving total and get stuck on last step

  • 22 February 2024
  • 6 replies

Any help would be so appreciated!!
My quiz won’t add the final results and give the final score. I have added conditions around the quiz score to give the results, but it always gets stalled on the last question that says ‘yes tell me’ 

What am I doing wrong?

Here is a link to view the automation >

I’d suggest you add an extra step while you debug with a text message, that says:

“QUIZ SCORE IS {Quiz Score}”

This will help you see exactly what score you’re getting, and with that information you will be able to debug the conditions better to see what the issue is.

For example, one thing I picked up is that your maximum score on this quiz seems to be 30 points, however your first condition is 31-36 points. So without going deeper into the debugging, my guess is that your logic setup is probably off.

Hope this helps.

Okay thanks! I tried that and my quiz score came up at 84, so clearly things aren’t adding up right somewhere. Hmm..

I have been testing it in instagram dm, do I need to reset the quiz total at the beginning?

I fixed it I think!! Thanks!!!

Nice! Way to go!!

As a quick tip going forward, whenever you see weird stuff add check points in between (like the QUIZ SCORE message I mentioned before).

These always help you see things more clearly and find the issues ;)

You can also follow along the conversation in Live Chat so you know exactly what’s going on.


Glad you sorted it out! All the best!

Thanks! I find with the live chat the options don’t come up for me to click? Not sure what’s wrong there.

I am now trying to add a growth tool so my survey can be shareable at the end, but the tutorial I’m using is a few years old and many chat is different. Is there a way to do this? This is what I want to do »

This should help you get going:

Start simple​​, use a DM trigger, and then you can add complexity to it later. ;)
