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Hi. I want to place buttons on my webpage that will open directly in Messenger. So a click on a button forces opening Messenger app on a phone.
Years ago it worked very well. Now all I’m getting is another window that show that I have to log in to facebook or download it. 

Is there any way to force the button click action to open the Messenger app straight away? 

Hi, @dodo!

You could use a URL Shortener with Deep Linking, like

PS: they have a Lifetime Offer:


This function tries to force a phone using the app instead of open it in a browser.

Hey. Thanks. I’ll check it.


Well… they don’t allow testing, or at least a small free trial. I’m not buying a subscription just for testing 🤷🏻‍♂️

Well… they don’t allow testing, or at least a small free trial. I’m not buying a subscription just for testing 🤷🏻‍♂️


Send me a DM at with your messenger link. I'll create a test for your test using switchy
