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I have manychat paid subscription account.

I started manychat account 4 months ago, linked with my Instagram account where I have more than 8000 followers.

Now I have 7000+ contacts in Manychat.

I am a content creator, I create content to sell my program and products.

I need a detailed different steps to convert sales.

Give me some strategies which I should follow and make some sales. So far I have created some automations myself but no success with Sales. I am happy to have a consultant you can assist me setup of workflows.

Hey @Dipti great question!

I see you can create content and get people to engage! That's one of the most important steps that many people can-t figure out…

Once you have that, you should be using Manychat to create and grow your list. Imagine Manychat as a way to get people from Instagram into your universe, where you can keep nurturing them until they're ready to make a purchase.

What does this mean?

It means using Manychat to grow your email list, getting them to other channels you're active on (YouTube, TikTok, your blog, etc), offering them free stuff to incentivize them to engage with your brand in other channels, etc.

For content creators, I see Manychat as the best tool to transition people from social media into your world, where you have more control and more opportunities to engage with them. Once they're in your world you have more options to monetize them. For example, your email automation probably converts at a certain rate within a certain time period. So an email address has an actual business value for you ;)

Does this make sense?

If you want help implementing these strategies, let me know. I have some options available at ;)
