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Hi, Im trying to set up an email marketing campaign using sequences (i think thats where i should be doing it). I understand the “schedule” feature well- using this to schedule when emails are sent out. The problem is every time im adding a new “sequence message” ie- “sequence message 2”, it asks me to set a trigger for “WHEN” the message is sent. I dont know how to set this up because i thought that the “schedule” option already alows me to spcify when the email is being sent out. 


Thanks for the help in advance. 


@Graghoul not sure what you’re seeing, but if you set the schedule you’re good to go!

Hi ​@Gustavo Boregio , I uploaded a photo showing the “when” trigger box. I cant set up the sequence without filling this box but i dont know how to do it. 

The first event that you have (Subscribed to a Sequence) is more than enough.

You don’t need to add other triggers there.

Simply go back to your sequence and turn on the messages.

Here’s the documentation:

Hope this helps!

yes but when i create a new sequence message it automatically has this box that i cant get rid of. Im adding a photo of it now.  I dont know what to do with it or how to set that box up.


@Graghoul just leave it there, you don't have to do anything with it :)

Only use this box if you want to add extra triggers. In your case you don't want to, so no need to change anything.
