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I have an automation set up, so when a follower sends me a message with a keyword, it triggers an automation. After that, I start the conversation with the Follower. But sometimes the user sends that keyword in their messages again, and my automation gets triggered again. Since this happens, when I’m not active in the conversation, the 30 minutes pause function does not solve the problem.


Is there a way to stop followers from entering one automation multiple times?

Hey @kilianfaeustle the way to do this is using tags + conditions.

Something like this:


I’m reading this one but i don’t get it yet.. I want that when a user enters he autmation this must be fully completed before entering again. Can someone tell me how to achieve this with this automation?



Apply tag at the first time, then user enter the keyword second time, check the condition at this point.if tag applied not send any message.
