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  • 28 June 2024
  • 1 reply

There are a lot of people who DMs us our own reels without any text and that is an unsupported message type for manychats and hence no automation is being sent to those people. There are more than 100 people who DMs us this kind of message and we are losing on all such leads. I can’t manually assign 100 dms per day to some automation.

What should be the solution in such case?? 


That’s happening to me as well. Have you found anything out? It doesn’t seem like they help at all on this platform. Their technical support is a disgrace. This is happening to so many people. They have a known issue out there, but it does not appear to be the same one. I have gone through all the steps and checked all the boxes just in case and it is definitely not that. I am on the receiving end of these messages, but I wanted to launch my business using this automation tool but not if it’s going to cause this many problems. 
