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take the advice of new account, but a hit a road block

  • 10 February 2024
  • 1 reply


Taking the advice of making new account. I was at the website. I did click Instagram because that was my intentions. It did stated click on Facebook. After a few clicks and fill in the necessary blank spaces? It stated “Would you like to Create a new Facebook Page?” I am trying to have a new account and it will be connected to Instagram professionals. Also, at the top left side on the main page. I hit “New Account”. It went through the same clicks and fill in blank space. It ask the same questions. May I have the Facebook page that I currently have it connected to my Instagram professional? It seems that not having many accounts is manageable? Yes, I am just starting. Something comes up, it will be different. Can that be possible? Any response will be appreciated.

1 reply

clear your catche and try hard refreshing, this might help.
