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the condition module is not deriving to the other flows based on Custom Field derivador_pregunta

Is an automatic integration with chatgpt but is not working right now.

It happened today without explanation. Before today, the evaluation of the condition was working great, but now it has stopped working.



@heroseven I’ve never had issues with the Conditions module… Usually when something doesn’t work is because it isn’t matching as you expect it to. 

Are you sure that you’re using the right fields at the right places and with the right values? And that the conditions are set properly?

Also, you have a Data Collection step before. Are you sure it’s not stopping at that step?

I’d check all these things, almost 100% sure there’s an error there.

If you’re sure that everything is properly setup then talk to support. But again, this has never failed for me in all the bots I’ve created, and whenever I had issues it’s always been wrong configurations.

If you need help looking for the issue I offer (paid) troubleshooting calls. I’m pretty sure it’s just a matter of finding the problem.
