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My API sends responds back but sometimes it needs a little bit more time to process data and answer. I checked my logs the answer from my server was sent but it was too late for many chat to wait

I tried to add delay method in the many chat but it didn’t work.

Can I adjust responds wait time?

Unfortunately there's nothing we can do about.

External requests timeout at 10 seconds (except for requests to

If your API takes more than that, you have 2 options:

  1. Make your API faster
  2. If that's not possible, you need to create an asynchronous logic where you send the information and get a 200 OK immediately (no delay). Your API then set custom fields with the response and triggers the response flow to the user. It's a pain in the butt and a lot of work to get this going, but it works...

Unfortunately there's nothing we can do about.

External requests timeout at 10 seconds (except for requests to

If your API takes more than that, you have 2 options:

  1. Make your API faster
  2. If that's not possible, you need to create an asynchronous logic where you send the information and get a 200 OK immediately (no delay). Your API then set custom fields with the response and triggers the response flow to the user. It's a pain in the butt and a lot of work to get this going, but it works...

Where do I send my message back? I haven’t seen that manychat provides a callback url

Unfortunately there's nothing we can do about.

External requests timeout at 10 seconds (except for requests to

If your API takes more than that, you have 2 options:

  1. Make your API faster
  2. If that's not possible, you need to create an asynchronous logic where you send the information and get a 200 OK immediately (no delay). Your API then set custom fields with the response and triggers the response flow to the user. It's a pain in the butt and a lot of work to get this going, but it works...

Can’t I write any logic in many chat to fix this?

You have to use the API:

You have to use the API:

Which API should I use? I tried all from sending but can’t understand which one about instagram and which id they need for instagram 
