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Look, I feel stupid asking this. But I try to surround myself with people much smarter than me. 😉

I have a flow I turned into a Template. I shared said template with a friend.

When the template is installed, all triggers disappear. 

Is that normal, or did I make a mistake?

Prob the later, but worth asking before diving down the rabbit hole. 


You have to select the triggers that you have setup.

These are under 'Growth Tools' or 'Keywords' when you're creating your template.


Ack, I’m dumb. Thanks, friend!!

Probably another stupid question, but I’ll risk it. 😅

All the triggers are showing in growth tools, except for when a user messages a keyword, that trigger is missing. User error again?

Keywords are on the collapsible list below Growth Tools :)

I have the keywords selected in growth tools, but when the template is uploaded to a new account, that trigger isn’t showing in the flow. The trigger “user sends a message” disappears. And that trigger doesn’t show as an available option in growth tools. It’s making me feel all kinds of dumb. 😅

You’re amazing for all the help! Thank you!

Select the keywords when creating the template, so that it shows like this:


Check this test template I just created:

You should see one floe and the keyword 'testig' installed on your page.

This looks the same, so I did that correctly. It’s just that when the template automation is actually opened, the message keyword trigger isn’t visible in the flow itself.

Oddly enough, it still works when a user messages a keyword.. I suppose it’s working and that’s what matters 🫠

Thanks again for the help! 
