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Hi there. I need to enable users to automatically receive a WhatsApp message when they enter their data on a landing page. I discovered that this was made possible by using Growth Tools. However, since they descontinued the tool, I don't know how to implement this feature now. Can someone help me?


To do this, you need to use the Manychat API, through an integration platform, like MAKE for example.1. You will receive the data through a webhook with the phone number2. You need to create phone number in manychat via api using routePOST/fb/subscriber/createSubscriber json payload could look like this:{  "first_name": "string",  "last_name": "string", "whatsapp_phone": "string",}3. After creating the user in manychat, you need to send it to a flow, with a template message.Like this 👇


Thales, thank you for the reply. I didn’t get it, though. I already created the phone number on Manychat, but the others steps I didn’t untersand, I’m new in Manychat and Make.

Just an idea, Maybe you could put a button on your website or landing page that will trigger the whatsapp flow where they can enter their information. ??? Rather than filling out a form, have them jump right into the automation. I do this with Messenger and text on my websites and landing pages. 


