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Unwanted "Get Quote" Button 🤔

  • 23 August 2024
  • 7 replies

After attaching Manychat to the pages I manage I have been getting a “Get Quote” button the remains persistent to the user. 

This was not visible to a user prior to connecting Manychat. I have looked it up before and it is called “Lead Forms” in Facebook. In the pages inbox settings I have disabled “Lead Forms” but it is not fixing the problem. The “Get Quote” button remains. 

I have no main menu’s set up in Manychat so I don’t know why this is appearing 🤔

Anyone had the issue and fixed it?

Check if this is happening to all users or only your profile. Specifically, check with a new subscriber to see what happens.

If it happens with the new subscriber, and you have everything off, then you’ll need to contact support so they can guide you.

If the new subscriber does not receive it but your profile still does, then there may be some delay with your profile (this happens in Menus often). I recommend deleting the conversation with your bot, and then starting again. This resets it most of the time.

Hope this helps.

Thank you. When you say support do you mean FB support or MC support?

Thank you. When you say support do you mean FB support or MC support?

Manychat support. You can open a ticket at 

No worries. I have already done that. No response yet 2 days later 😔

Support is investigating for me. The things mentioned here did not hep but I very much appreciate the input.
I do believe it is a glitch of some sort as I have fixed many problems and even solved this one before but not working this time.

Did this get resolved?  I’m dealing with the same issue.  Also the “change menu” isn’t working. 

It did get resolved though it does not happen instantly. I will attach some photos of how to do it. It is a Facebook fix not a manychat fix… Though it is probably connecting manychat that causes it.



Also do the lead forms thing I did that I explain early in this thread.
