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Hey! I’m new to Manychat, so this may be a very simple answer, but I don’t seem to have access to the User Input field. I have a pro account, but even then when I go to create the “reply in dm” the only fields I can build are text, image, card, audio, video, and gallery; I don’t even see “user input.” All tutorials I have seen show that I should also have “user input” as an option so I can ask customers a series of survey questions. Has this feature changed and been grouped into another feature? I know I can create a text reply with multiple button response but that doesn’t seem like the same thing. Any help would be greatly appreciated!  

If it’s a comment trigger, then you don’t have the User Input option.

This is a limitation with how Meta/Manychat works.

Thank you! That is exactly the solution I needed! Is that a change from recently? I only ask because I’ve been trying to learn through watching YouTube tutorials and they show setting it up through a comment trigger? Either way, I have it working now, thank you!


Mebe I don't know how to 
