Hello, nice people of our precious community!
One more question : I built a Template that has nothing to do with marketing stuff. It’s pure utility stuff (a reminder that people can ask for help, nothing to buy or pay, no advertising at all, pure process). I declared it as “utility template”, but it came back validated as “Marketing” (5 times more expensive than utility stuff… of course). I retried a second time, trying to suppress any confusing word… same result. It doesn’t seem very honest to me.
Here is the text, to help you judge (To make it clear, the person already paid for the coaching service. It’s just a way to help them make the best use of their investment).
“Hello {{first_name}},
I haven’t heard from you for a little while. 🙂
It’s very common during a coaching process to go through busier periods, lose momentum, or feel discouraged by an exercise.
That’s exactly the right time to reach out to your coach...
Keep your goals in sight! I can adapt the support to match your current needs.
Feel free to send me a voice message today to let me know where you are right now!
And if you need any help, don’t hesitate to let me know by clicking the link below.
I need help (button)
FAQ La Ligne (button)
So? What do you think?