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What’s the best image size and file size for Messenger when asking for consent to join a broadcast list?


Hi everyone! 👋 I’m setting up a flow in ManyChat to collect user consent for joining my Messenger broadcast list. I want to include an image to make the message.

What’s the ideal image size kind of message to ensure it displays well?

It is here the “upload image” i am asking about 


Hey, ​@OliverDK 


Here’s the info that you’re looking for:

Recommended size: 900x900 pixels.

Minimum acceptable size: 500x500 pixels;


You can read all the information here:


Let me know if that helped 🙌🏼

Hi Rodrigo. I tried using the recommended size and to my surprise this happend. 
This is not the full size of the picutre. 

