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Dear all. I am new with Manychats and just signed up for the pro version, I need help. I set up a flow successfully to collect emails and when I tested it by providing an email address like a lead, It worked however, I cant find the email or contact on my back end. I can only see them only in the Live chat. Is this normal? Also the contacts that are shown on my dashboard, are they contacts that opted in or what because it’s a bit confusing. I will appreciate anyone’s help

You need to check your ‘Contacts’ tab, and there you’ll be able to filter for contacts opted in for Email:


Unfortunately there isn’t a way to automatically download all emails, but you can do this with a Google Sheets export from Manychat.

Okay, thank you so much.  Please I have a  follow-up question if you don’t mind .What is the best practice for collecting emails and then sending them a leading magnet? Is it Zapier? And if there any helpful videos to help with the process I will appreciate

Depends on the EMS that you’re using.

If you don’t have anything yet, you can use Manychat’s email service to send the lead magnets and create your automations with email.

If you’re using Klaviyo, ActiveCampaign, MailChimp, Hubspot or ConvertKit, then you have a native integration available with Manychat - and you don’t need Zapier or any other connector. (Go to Settings > Integration to connect these)

If you’re using something else, then you need to connect it.

Zapier is usually the easiest tool that connects to everything else. is also a popular choice. Cheaper and more flexible than Zapier, but not as friendly to use.

For many of my clients, I’ve created a direct integration between Manychat and their email service provider. This is possible in 98% of the cases, and it saves money on the integration as you don’t have to pay for Zapier/Make (the Zapier bill for larger accounts can get pretty high).

As for videos, I suggest you Google “Manychat + <Your email software> integration”, it will be a lot easier to have it with your specific software. If you don’t find anything, try with ‘Zapier + <your software>’ and you’ll definitely find something.

And if you just don’t wanna spend time figuring this out, feel free to DM me or the other educators as most of us are also agencies, so we’d be happy to sort this out for you.

Hope this helps!

@Gustavo Boregio Can you give any more detail on the Google Sheets comment above?

“Unfortunately there isn’t a way to automatically download all emails, but you can do this with a Google Sheets export from Manychat.”

I use Google Sheets, but not familiar with how to make this export happen from within ManyChat.

Thanks for your help!

Hey @julieb you can do a Broadcast from your Manychat (or subscribe people to a sequence), and in the broadcast or sequence, you only have a single message block, with an action and an ‘Insert Row’ Google Sheet action.

This way you can export the contacts to the Google Sheets ;)

Just be careful if your list is too big, there’s a limitation on the number of requests per minute that Google Sheet allows, so if your list is too big you need to split it up into chunks.

Hmmmm...well unfortunately this is kind of like Greek to me. Not sure how to put these steps together.

Hey @julieb I can't record a video right now, but here's some documentation that may help you.:

Your sequence would have only 1 message, that would have only the Action with the Insert Row for Google Sheets.

And then you'd add your contacts to the sequence on the 'Contacts' tab, using the Bulk Actions option.

If this all is still Greek, I can walk you through it all, step by step. Check the 'Troubleshooting Call' option at ;)

It appears I can use just the GSheets integration as a step in my flows, adding an action to add a row to a Gsheet after they provide their email address. Then I will just upload the spreadsheet to my ESP. This looks straightforward.

So I’ll go that route without the Sequence step.

I think this will work fine? :)

Thank you @Gustavo Boregio .
