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Who needs Meta Business Verification? Me, my client, both?

  • 16 March 2024
  • 0 replies

Hello guys! New to this great world of chatbots!


So I am starting some pilots on chatbots and I have a possible job around the corner but I have an important question related to the Meta Business Verification process:


So I asked chatgpt, read lots of forums and also saw lots of videos but I can’t seem to find an answer as to WHO needs to have the Meta Business Verification if I am going to be an “agency” that creates the bot and manages the marketing HSM, etc. of other clients. 


I understand that my agency needs to have the Meta Business Verification, but does my client needs that too? My client already has a Facebook page, IG and will have a Whatsapp number that will have each a similar chatbot but I will create and manage them. Do they need the Meta Verification?


What are the workarounds if they also need to have it?



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