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I am trying to send people to my podcast and using the episode number as the keyword. Well, I realized now that Ive gotten into double digits, that all the numbers are sending the single number episodes. For example, keyword 12 is sending episode 2 because “2” was the trigger work for episode 2. Episode 18 is sending the flow for episode 8. Episode 16 is sending the flow for 6. It’s like it’s ignoring the 1 and sending to the single last digit. 


I have is set to trigger for SPECIFIC word “18” “16” etc….but it’s sending to flows for 8 and 6 etc…..


Can someone share what I’m not doing right? 

Select the keyword as " message is 16" instead of " message contain 16"

Select the keyword as " message is 16" instead of " message contain 16"

@kelsrowell, If this 👆 don't work, try making the trigger also a little more complex, like "EP16”

Keywords are processed from top to bottom.

So if you look at the keywords list and the automation for the keyword '6' is at the top, with 'contains 6', then this is the automation that will trigger if the person types 6, 16, 26, 36, 126345, or anything else that contains 6 in it.

Your options are:

  • Reorder the keywords, and put '26' on top of '16' and '16' on top of '6'
  • User something like EP16 like @fgaulke mentions
  • Or change your logic to something a bit more complex

