Hey, I am Joren, helping you to drive results with Chat Automations

  • 8 February 2024
  • 24 replies

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I’m Joren, and I am proud to be a Manychat Educator and part of this community!

To give a little bit of background on how I came here:

I started 5 years ago with chatbots as part of my Bachelor thesis (for university). Then, I realised there was no website that explained how to create chatbots and chat automations, and I didn’t know what chatbot platform to use.

But I knew one thing: Chat automations are the future for driving results for businesses!

So that’s when I decided to start Chatimize. Chatimize is a blog and Youtube channel where you can learn to create chat automations for any business.

And over the years, I have shared hundreds of chatbot tutorials, reviews of chatbot platforms and chatbot platform comparisons!

Right now, we are inspring over 50K people every month to create chat automations that generate leads, boost revenue and reduce costs.

We serve a wide range of clients, including:

  • eCommerce businesses
  • Retail companies
  • SaaS companies
  • Fitness clubs
  • Coaches
  • Influencers
  • Marketing agencies
  • And more!

I am here to share my knowledge with you and help wherever I can!

24 replies

HI! i’ve been having this issue where anyone who messages me will get this reply, do you happen to know how to fix this?

Userlevel 5
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Yes! Go to Settings > Facebook (or other channel you are using) and there you can click on “Default Reply”

how do I attach the Json code?  when I try it it says I should not use more that one content block to start Facebook ads.  This didn’t used to happen.  Can you help me get this set up? 

Userlevel 5
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In two weeks, a new video is coming up on my Youtube channel about this! (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_ud2NGMFTgp9I46vJCeyQQ)



I am a musician running Instagram ads,  directing people to listen to the songs on Spotify/Apple Music. I recently discovered ManyChat, and want to automate messages to anyone who clicks the link / interacts with the existing ads I am running. I have been trying to figure out how to get the automated messages to send to anyone who interacts with the existing ads, but I am having a lot of trouble - it seems like ManyChat only allows me to create new ads, and cannot send messages triggered by these already existing ads? But that cannot be true lol, would really appreciate your help!


Userlevel 5
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Hey Joey! In two weeks, a new video on my Youtube channel is coming out on connecting Facebook Ads to Manychat automations (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_ud2NGMFTgp9I46vJCeyQQ)

Hi have this automation for comment reply but its not working. the auto reply in comments works but it didn’t send the comment reply in messenger. can you help please? 
here’s a vide of how I set it up. I even added the quick reply, thinking that will make it work but no. https://sharing.clickup.com/clip/p/t9003132171/36793ed9-4cdc-411f-9b60-4032fc4c04cb/screen-recording-2024-03-08-09%3A08.webm

my instaram id is school__lab  @조렌 우즈 입니다. 1 reels success of autoDM but second reels cannot! please help me. i already do all thing from manychat edu. but cannot! please...

Hi Joren!

Could you help me with the automation problem? I created one in a template that is triggered by a word in the comment to a reel and gave 3 variations of the trigger word so that capital letters do not become a problem in a chatbot starting process. However, my automation works only in 20% of the time. In other times it just does not work even though the word in the comments is written same as it is written in the trigger words section

Hi! I am running a paid ad for a client and created a quiz for people to go through through messenger. the preview in manychat works and the test through ad manager works but this is what people are seeing when they click send message from the ad… the answer is above the question and they’re not able to answer. Please help! :) TIA


Hello! I have a problem with automations via INSTAGRAM. Every automations are ON but when I or any other user comment my content the message is not send. Please help me!!!


It’s my profile, and reel which you comment “IDZIEMY”



Im waiting for your help

Hello! Within this funnel, I need to know how to put a photo in the initial message as soon as the lead starts the bot on Telegram, please.

Example in the image below of how I want it to look on my bot

poderia me enviar um passo a passo de como fazer atualmente?

Hi Joren! 
I have an issue.

since I connected my 2nd IG page, Manychat doest

work properly.

It only works for triggers via DM in both accounts.

in the Reels-reaction, when a word is said, only in a few cases the trigger is set and the automation works.

most of the time, the trigger doesn’t work.

for Posts, I cannot set a trigger. Even worse: I see that there are X reactions, but I can’t see them via IG or Manychat. Only within Business Suite I see them and I can respond to them.

what is going on and what should I do?

thank you! 

hey Joren!

I have an issue with the free account. I am unable to reply to my customer’s query. It’s asking to purchase pro plan. But as per the Pricing 1000 contacts are free. Pls help me with the same


Thanks in advance

Hi I am having an issue with my instagram automation. I have everything set up to comment on a reel, they enter keywords but only some are working and I cant see the comments either.

Can you please help

Hi Joren, when I posted a post on Instagram, I set it to automatically trigger a reply whenever fans comment on the post. The setting showed that it was successful but the automatic reply was not actually triggered. Why is this?

Please try to comment on the posts posted by my account so that you can understand the problem I described. The comment keyword is "link"

Under normal circumstances, according to my settings, users who comment "link" on a post will automatically receive a reply in the comment area, and also receive a reply in the Instagram inbox. However, I tried and failed to trigger it.

I checked my plan and everything showed up as normal. But I just can't realize the function I set. I hope you can help me solve this problem.

Hey Joren, 

I hope you are well, 

Is it possible to have many chat automate a first message to anyone who follows my IG account?

Thanks in advance, 


Ola. Bom dia. Já não sei mais o que fazer, estou pensando em cancelar a minha assinatura, pois a automação funciona 50% do tempo. Tenho automação no instagram e as pessoas não recebem a mensagem nem em resposta ao comentário delas e nem no direct. Não encontrei suporte.

hey im having trabble with replay to my users. i want to check every message i get and not only with keywords. how can i do it?


Como puedo llearme el estao de mi fanpage, si esta en free, trial o pro, a un sheet?

Ive been looking for a solution on how to disable a button after they have been clicked. So, the conversation will not start all over again. Thank you in advance. I’ve been using a quick reply in my automation. However I need to use the button at the very first! Please help.

My manychat DOESNT WORK!!!  And i dont have any support!  NOTHING

This support is terrible!  out of nothing I just cant send messages anymore( i have the pro version ) why???

some one can help me?!! 


Hi @Joren Wouters,

I have an automation for Instagram comments that should trigger when users post certain emojis (😍 🙌 🥰 💯 ❤️) in the comment of the post, however, it’s not triggering. Any help would be appreciated. 

Hola a todos, Algún tutorial en Español para aprender automatizar WhatsApp?
