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Welcome to the spiderwebs! 

Who has spiderwebs? 


What I mean is...

Do your Manychat automations end up looking like this? 🥲

This is one qualifying lead quiz we built for Law By Mike (1M Followers on IG) so it had ot work HARD.



But sadly, it was working a lil too hard.

Yes, it’s all fun and games until your computer can’t open the automation and your MacBook starts making that funny aircraft-taking-off sound because it’s working overtime (Yup. Harder than Dolly Parton in 9-5!) And you get the dreaded spinning wheel of death.


So how can you fix it?

You break it up.

Not like a Ben Affleck and JLo break-up… 

But like, just making it into more manageable parts. Make one quiz 3 automation flows. 

Here’s the first part of it.

Nice. Not too crazy.

See where it’s got the light green that signals a “new automation” opens? 

Here’s what that opens to:

Yeah, it looks A LITTLE crazy, but this quiz had to do THE MOST.

It doesn’t look as crazy as it did at the start.

So now one quiz = 3 automations, like this:


It saved our computers from *almost crashing* from doing all of things, and it made it 100X more manageable when we had to make changes to certain quiz questions.

So, just something to keep in mind if your automations are starting to look like spiderwebs! 🙌

Yupp! I used to build these long automations and many times my PC and Macbook both starts struggling while editing the flow.


I also started using chunks and dividing automations into sub folders and each subfolder has different sub flows.




@skyrootdigital OMG YES! So much better isn’t it?! 


I started doing this too and it’s SO much easier to manage 🙌

@chatbotswithburkie how much better is it?! Making a change, no probs, open the automation in 5 secs, edit it, done! Rather than the dreaded beachball of doom! 

@chatbotswithburkie how much better is it?! Making a change, no probs, open the automation in 5 secs, edit it, done! Rather than the dreaded beachball of doom! 

soooo much better 🙌


And yeah it is splitted already … 


Yeah I do the same thing😘
