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We’re trying to keep as many doors open as possible for leads to sign up to our event and then receive a message on WhatsApp. But what I’ve noticed is that if you sign up on one platform and then on another, your account will only have opted-in for WhatsApp on the first platform. 

Usually, I wouldn’t mind this, but our audience is older and would sign up twice on different social media platforms.

Is there a way to perhaps fix this issue?

Hi, ​@pynchon!

Without more information it's hard to understand what exactly you are looking for.

But maybe you could use some automation tool (Make, Zapier, n8n...) and use Manychat's API to create a subscriber at the moment some lead subscribes via a landing page (if you're collecting phone numbers there).


If you need some help to set something like this up, feel free to contact me. 😉

Hi, ​@pynchon!

Without more information it's hard to understand what exactly you are looking for.

But maybe you could use some automation tool (Make, Zapier, n8n...) and use Manychat's API to create a subscriber at the moment some lead subscribes via a landing page (if you're collecting phone numbers there).


If you need some help to set something like this up, feel free to contact me. 😉

Hi Fabio! Sorry for such a late reply. 

I was kinda thinking about people who respond to a post inviting them to subscribe to an event, and instead of leading them to a landing page, we collect their info (especially phone!) through the chat. If that person has given me their number on Instagram and then again on Facebook, will they have opted-in-for-wpp through both channels or just one? In my experience it appears that it only works on one channel. 

Thank you!

Hi, ​@pynchon!

Without more information it's hard to understand what exactly you are looking for.

But maybe you could use some automation tool (Make, Zapier, n8n...) and use Manychat's API to create a subscriber at the moment some lead subscribes via a landing page (if you're collecting phone numbers there).


If you need some help to set something like this up, feel free to contact me. 😉

Hi Fabio! Sorry for such a late reply. 

I was kinda thinking about people who respond to a post inviting them to subscribe to an event, and instead of leading them to a landing page, we collect their info (especially phone!) through the chat. If that person has given me their number on Instagram and then again on Facebook, will they have opted-in-for-wpp through both channels or just one? In my experience it appears that it only works on one channel. 

Thank you!


I see… 

Just the first one will receive the number as WhatsApp ID.

You can make a simple test:

Use Data Collection to get the phone number and enable saving it as WhatsApp ID:


Then test it with two different accounts sending the same phone number.


Just the first one will receive the “WhatsApp opt-in”.

