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Hi Manychat Community!

The ideation section was specifically designed for Manychat users to share their ideas and feature requests for improving our product. At Manychat, we believe in the power of collaboration and co-creation between our users and product & development teams. Your feedback is a valuable asset that directly influences the evolution of our product, and you have a chance to shape the future of Manychat!


How to submit/upvote an idea

Please note that you should be logged in to be able to view, submit or upvote ideas. Then, you can either click a Submit an Idea button on this page or follow this direct link.


How to write a perfect idea

  1. Search before posting. The golden rule of the community :) If a similar idea has already been published, upvote it and leave your comment there instead of creating a duplicate.
  2. Write a clear title that accurately summarises your request.
  3. Explain your idea fully and clearly, and add as many details as possible. Make sure to answer the following questions in the description:
  • What is your use case
  • What problem are you trying to solve? 
  • Is it a critical feature that blocks you from using Manychat, or is it a nice-to-have feature?
  • What would be a possible solution?
  1. Select a relevant Product area - it will help us to easily categorize the ideas and notify the relevant Product Team faster and more efficiently. 
  2. One idea per post. If you have multiple ideas, submit them separately so that we can be clear about the status.


Product areas

In order to streamline the categorization and escalation process, we’ve introduced the following Product Areas to be assigned to each idea. You will notice that these are all parts of the Manychat ecosystem:

  • Instagram
  • WhatsApp
  • Messenger
  • Flow Builder
  • AI
  • Live Chat
  • Mobile App
  • Integrations & Apps & APIs
  • Telegram
  • Email
  • SMS
  • Contacts, Tags, and Fields
  • UI/UX improvements
  • Templates
  • Billing / PRO
  • Other (please only use Other if the rest of the options do not fit).


Statuses explained

In order to set expectations about the state of your idea, we’ve added the following statuses, which will be assigned to each idea as we review, prioritize, deprioritize, or deliver them: 


This status is automatically assigned to the idea when you submit it.

Under review

This status means that we are considering your idea for our product backlog.


Congrats! We think your idea is aligned with our vision for Manychat, and we’ve added it to our backlog. Stay tuned! 


This status means that you can already enjoy new functionality in your Manychat space!


We’ve launched this idea to a group of beta users to test and polish it. 

On hold

An idea with this status was put on hold for a reason - we’ll provide the details in the thread.

Waiting on Meta's side

Sometimes adding new functionality may be blocked by Meta limitations. Rest assured that we’ve already submitted our feature request to them and waiting for their response.


An idea with this status was closed, and it means we will not implement this functionality. There’s always a reason - we’ll provide the details in the thread.

Closed (Duplicate)

Your idea was merged with a similar existing idea. All votes have been transferred as well.


As we update the status, you will get an email notification if you are subscribed to the idea. You can subscribe to the idea by upvoting it, adding a comment to the thread, or manually clicking Subscribe.


Stay tuned for Product updates

Once the idea has been implemented, we will post a product update about it. You will find all product updates here. Please note that you can also filter updates by the same product areas!

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