Chatter Matters: Helen Nurse - Mastering WhatsApp with Manychat
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I want to be able to create and manage whatsapp broadcasts with API.for example to send reminders for a class to all registered people.
i tried to apply a condtion that depends on the current date being before a customer user field date (i.e. current date is before end of subscription). It’s possible only with date&time variable. i also didn’t manage to automatcially create date&time variable based on time variable.I think this is a trivial request
Tell me colleagues, who knows how these innovations work in 2025? In my environment there was some panic in connection with this innovation and even one blogger was banned by Instagram for calling to leave a code word and get a bonus. And how to use Manychat now? Díganme colegas, ¿quién sabe cómo funcionarán estas innovaciones en 2025? En mi entorno hay cierto pánico en relación con esta innovación e incluso un blogger fue baneado por Instagram por llamar para dejar una palabra clave para conseguir un bono. ¿Y cómo utilizar Manychat ahora?
Hello,I created a new basic flow. I added my URL to the button. However, the URL is coming back as page not found. I checked the URL on my browser, and it’s working just fine. So I changed the URL to a page on my website. Again, I’m getting the same error page. And once again, I checked this link in my browser and it’s working just fine. I’m not sure why it’s not working within ManyChat. Any ideas that may help would be appreciated
a ia do many esta dando informacoes erradas como dias e data errada, e passado informacoes erradas.
I'm doing a series of tips on my Instagram account and set up automations for them. However, tip1 is triggering for every comment. For example... If someone comments tip14 they get the message for tip1 instead. Adding in exclusions for all of these (over 100) would be a nightmare because 16 would trigger instead of 163 or 169. I'd there a way to make the comments an exact match instead of a partial match?
Hi there,Can I create a gallery of cards in manychat from a JSON data? Can you create dynamic UI elements from JSON?Thanks,Amir
I understand that Instagram's native scheduler can sometimes reduce engagement on Reels. I’m curious whether ManyChat's actions—such as AI messaging in DMs, auto-DM links triggered by comments, and scheduled posts/Reels through the API—are treated similarly by Instagram's algorithm. Could these actions as a whole impact organic engagement or visibility for accounts? If so, what steps can we take to minimize potential negative effects?
Hi there,I just created a simple automation for my Facebook page and set it as live, but its only a sample.How do I simply - pause the automation?Thanks,Amir
Hola buenas, he estado intentando enviar un bloque dinamico con un mensaje y botones, sin embargo no logro encontrar la forma ni la herramienta dentro de manychat , ya lei la documentacion y cree mis mensajes dentro de mi servidor APIpero no logro hace que funcione, alguna sugerencia?
Olá, equipe do ManyChat,Gostaria de sugerir uma mudança no modelo de contagem de contatos. Atualmente, o sistema conta o número total de contatos inscritos, o que pode resultar em custos inesperados à medida que a base de dados cresce. Em muitos casos, o objetivo não é manter uma grande lista de contatos acumulados, mas sim otimizar a interação com novos leads e clientes potenciais.Minha sugestão seria adotar um modelo de "contagem por mês", onde os contatos são contabilizados de forma separada para cada período. Ou seja, a cada mês, a contagem de contatos seria reiniciada, permitindo que os usuários paguem apenas pelos contatos ativos do mês corrente, sem o risco de acumular custos altos com contatos antigos ou inativos.Este modelo proporcionaria mais flexibilidade e um controle de custos mais justo para quem está começando ou para empresas que trabalham com alta rotatividade de contatos. Acredito que essa mudança poderia melhorar bastante a experiência do usuário, oferecendo mais pre
Eu utilizo o plano gratuito do Manychat, mas tem pouquissimo tempo e tive apenas 26 interações automatizadas até agora, ou seja, BEM MENOS das 1000 gratuitas disponíveis. Eu já fiz algumas automações, 4 bem sucedidas até agora, mas a 5ª não vai POR NADA! Minhas automações são todas de mensagem a partir de um comentario em post/reel específico, sem utilizar nenhum recurso pro, mas ainda assim aparece uma mensagem de que preciso migrar pro plano pago caso queira continuar. Não sei o que está acontecendo ou como resolver. Alguem poderia me ajudar?
How can I restore my automation in manychat, I did not clear the browser history, but when I opened manychat again, the login page opened for me, but the login page does not allow me to enter, it says that the account is already registered in manychat, And how can I now restore my account
Dear Members,I want to take a moment , I have built a flow. After 18 hours, I send a message to the customer to check if their query has been resolved or not. However, I want to save the response in the same row, but it is actually being saved in a new row.Please help with this.
Manuchat isn't showing the scheduled posts for me to use in Facebook automation. I can’t scheduled it on ManyChat, just can automation when the scheduled post was posted on Facebook. It’s so annoying. Where is the problem? How can I fix it?
Hello,i have purchased “Manychat APP” & “Manychat pro”,i would like to use “Slots Machine” in my chatbot of Telegram , I have successful do it,but now i cant use thiscould u tell me what’s problem on our chatbot,thank u !
can you help me out in thi error
This is my ManyChat flow. How do I fix this flow so when the lead is choosing their kitchen equipment, I want the flow to save each option they choose and list it it back to them. Then I’d like the next step to re list the options if the contact would like to keep adding options and a choice “done choosing” when they are finished. After that I’d like the bot to list everything they have again. I keep having issues with the bot replying back with a placeholder and not saving and listing each option as they choose them.
Hey Manychat Community!In my new video, I show you how you can create your first WhatsApp automation with Manychat.By the end of this video, you’ll have a step-by-step blueprint on how you can automate your WhatsApp conversations and grow your business on WhatsApp.You can watch it here: Please let me know what you think in the comments 👇
Hi all!I want to create an automation so that every time a user registers for a webinar, they will get a WhatsApp message from the bot.The problem is that I cannot understand how to send a message to a non-subscriber or create an automation for adding new contacts/subscribers in ManyChat.Many thanks!
HelloI enjoy using your site, but I need help with something.I just want to automatically send messages to those who comment on my posts on Instagram. I don't want to add them as contacts. As the number of contacts increases, the fee we pay every month increases and these contacts are of no use to me. I didn't even open it and look at it once. What can I do about this?I want to use Manychat regularly by paying 15 dollars every month, but the fee increases due to contacts and I cannot renew my pro subscription because my budget is not enough. I am waiting for your help quickly.
Can I create a WhatsApp Business account using the number I connected to ManyChat?
Hello. I live in Ukraine and I want to Integrate the Ukrainian payment system into my Telegram bot that I developed on “Wayforpay”Please tell me if it is possible?If so, how do I add the payment system?Maybe you have a video showing how it is done?
He creado una automaticación para el chat de messenger y en cuerto punto el visitante debe recibir un archivo adjunto para seguir el flujo, pero al probar desde un chat en facebook el flujo se bloquea en esa parte, solo le sale el mensaje de revisa este pdf y nunca le llega el PDF ni ningún otro mensaje.
I many people i can add for live chat in 15/month plan?
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